Do you feel like you are just going through the motions of your life? Doing what you think you should or what you were told to do and feeling unsure about how to change?
Do you feel like there is something more in life for you, but not sure what steps to take?
We are here to help.
Wild Magnolia is a Behavioral Health Agency built on wellness because, we see it works to change people’s lives.
Together we will carve your path to a daily practice of managing your emotions, motivating yourself and living a joyful and fulfilling life.
We meet each person with acceptance and compassion in the therapy office.
Wild Magnolia Wellness will help you find the tools that make a difference in your daily life and we provide services that empower you in the process of healing your everyday life and inspiring you to be the best you!

Therapy Offerings
Discover the benefits of counseling and the power of therapy with Wild Magnolia Wellness.
We are proud to offer a range of counseling services to support you on your journey, including:
​Person-Centered Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Sobriety Counseling
Trauma-informed Care
Mindfulness Techniques
​​Let us help you navigate life's challenges and achieve personal wellness.